Tag Archives: FRS

FRS Soft Chews Review

FRS has come out with these tasty soft chews, which encompass a blend of vitamins and antioxidants aimed at giving you a nice boost during training or racing. Amongst the ingredients in the chews is a flavanoid called Quercetin, which is naturally occurring in nature. Quercetin is found in many vegetables and fruits, serving many benefits, (mos important in the case of training and racing) an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as extending your body’s natural adrenaline. Per FRS’ Website on Quercetin: “Its incredible benefits were first discovered by scientists searching for a way to give chemotherapy patients more energy. In further studies, Quercetin has been clinically proven to boost your immunity while raising your levels of focus, energy, and fitness. It works by triggering your cells’ ability to produce more real energy.”

In comparing antioxidant levels amongst berries vs FRS Chews:

Per 1 serving, there’s 2X the amount of antioxidants as a serving of blueberries, 6x the amount of one serving of raspberries, and 7x the amount of a serving of apples.

The individually wrapped chews (perfect for on the go travel) come in 4 tasty flavors: Pomegranate Blueberry (my favorite), Pineapple Mango, Orange, and Lemon Lime.

Perfect on the go energy source! Get them at One Tri.